WVATA 2021 Symposium
Conference Brochure
Student Poster Presentation Contest
The WVATA offers athletic training students, who are part of a CAATE accredited program in the state, several opportunities to be involved in its annual conference. Each year students may submit abstracts for selection to be presented orally or as posters within the conference proceedings. Presentations are judged by certified members of the WVATA, with the top three student presenters for each category receiving monetary awards. Since the state conference is virtual this year, poster presentations were submitted as links with students recording up to 3 minutes of narration for their poster image. Below are the students who were selected for poster presentations. The winners of the poster competition will be announced during the student oral presentations, which will be included as part of the general conference programming on Sunday, April 18, 2021 from 4:30 to 5:30 PM.
- Katelyn Golinsky (Concord University): Multi-Directional Shoulder Instability
- Lauren Kerekes (Concord University): Diagnosis and Treatment of Plica Syndrome in a Collegiate Cheerleader
- Jesse Lilly (Concord University): Grade Two Hamstring Strain
- Yasmin Mosby (Concord University): Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome of the Lower Leg
- Lauren Richardson (Concord University): Achilles Tendon Rupture in a Women’s Collegiate Soccer Player
- Elisha Robinson (Concord University): ACL and Lateral Meniscus Repair in a Division II Collegiate Athlete
- Kaitlyn Stewart (Concord University): Pulmonary Embolism
- Taylor Walker (Concord University): Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture